Fashion in the office
Say NO to the black suit
What is the most suitable office dress code ? How office people around the world dress ? See below.
Dress for Success: 5 Tips on What to Wear to Your First Interview
Nailing a job interview isn’t always as easy as it might seem. Of course, a stunning resume and proper qualifications are crucial. But one shouldn’t underestimate the power of the first impression. The appearance and clothing can influence the decision of a hiring manager. After all, it shows how good of a match one is for the team and their attention to detail.
Has the Online Entertainment Industry Killed Fashion?
Style is subjective. It’s subjective in the sense that everyone has their own preferences. For example, few people could pull off the Johnny Depp gold hat look and be considered stylish. For Depp, it’s a great look.
How To Dress When The Office Dress Code Is Casual
When you start a new job, you need to make sure that you are dressing appropriately for the kind of workplace that you will be in. Some offices have a dress code while others ask you to just dress in a way that you feel comfortable. For the fashion lovers within us, this can be tricky to navigate, especially if you are new to the industry and are unsure what each dress code means.
Dressing To Be Taken Seriously At Work
These days, it isn’t easy to choose the right outfit to wear to work. Some workplaces now have a relaxed dress code, while others are more formal than ever before, so how do you know which way to go. Even if you think you know your workplace’s rules and regulations regarding attire, it can still be difficult to know precisely what’s meant by “business formal” or “business casual”.
Sporty-Classic Attire You Can Wear At the Office
Everyone wants to look nice when they work in an office, that’s a given. But not everyone is comfortable. By wearing sporty-athletic styled clothing you can look nice and feel comfortable at work. But what articles of clothing look best? What brushes up against that fine line between casual and professional? While remaining comfortable?
How to Ramp Up Your Style when You Have to Wear a Uniform for Work
For many people getting dressed for work each day allows a certain amount of fashion freedom if you will, allowing you to pick between colors, styles, fabrics, and textures. Whether you need to dress in full business wear, business casual, or more comfortable clothing, there is still a fair amount of freedom there.
How to Look Stylish at Your Next Job Interview
Interviewing for a new job is rarely a relaxing experience; it’s natural to be a little anxious in the run up. One of the most common anxieties that people have when preparing for a job interview is deciding what to wear. No one wants to turn up in a way that’s going to create a bad impression. You want to be smart but not stuffy, relaxed but not scruffy.
How to Create the Perfect Luxurious Work Wardrobe
Your career is one of the most important aspects of your life and taking pride in your appearance is a great way to make sure people stand up and take notice of you. The right wardrobe gives the impression of success and, with the right fit, can lift your confidence and further your career. Creating the perfect work wardrobe means finding a balance between quality, variety, and style at an affordable price, but luxury workwear is often the best way to go if you’re looking to make an impact. Luckily, there is a simple formula to get the job done: 5-4-3-2-1.
The Professional Millennial: Revamping Office Dress Codes
The millennial generation is known for starting changes and disrupting the norms of many landscapes, including the rules of the workplace. They have introduced and urged the implementation of modifications that are suitable for them, and reflect the digital era they’ve grown up in. They are the major driver in the revolution of trends that the older generations, mostly their bosses, are slowly realizing they have to accomodate in order to keep their young employees happy and productive.
How to Afford Your First Work Wardrobe
You got the interview. Better yet, now you’ve landed the dream job and start next week. There’s only one problem: you only have one suit and it’s the one you bought back in high school. Make that two problems: not only do you need a new wardrobe, but until you get your first real paycheck, there isn’t enough money in your bank account to cover the cost of amassing a collection of business-appropriate clothing.
How to Sartorially Boss Your Office Christmas Party
The festive season has arrived and for the fashion-forward gent that means one thing — it’s time to get dressed to the nines and make a sartorial statement this party season. Festive drinks, weekends in the country and family get-togethers all provide the perfect opportunity to show off your finest garb and make some serious fashion statements. There’s one event of the season that doesn’t quite carry the same fashion potential - the office Christmas party.
How to Look Your Best for a Work Event
Dressing for work can be tricky, but you shouldn’t underestimate the power of image when it comes to business. Whether you’re hosting a networking evening, attending an awards ceremony or holding an office meeting, looking your best at a work event will make you appear confident and professional.
Checks for Business Formals
Bespoke shirts crafted from solids, pinstripes, and subtle prints have long been embraced as staples in any well-balance business wardrobe, while checks have been unjustly relegated to the ranks of weekend and casual wear.
3 Reasons Why Wearing a Suit Can Help Business Meetings
The suit says, 'I'm not here to mess around.' Which is just one big reason why a suit is a good idea for a business meeting.'
Office style: The checked suit jacket
Checks are considered to be less formal than solids or stripes and they are ideal if you want to have a more relaxed office style. Checks come in a number of different styles and they are very fashionable nowadays.
Dutch Business Dress Code
The Dutch tend to dress fairly conservatively in business, though standards and styles vary widely from one industry to another: formal attire is normal in banking, open-neck shirts and jeans in the IT and entertainment sectors. In most Dutch organisations, it is generally normal to wear a jacket, not necessarily a suit, to take the jacket off when working. Colour has no particular significance, and colourful shirt/tie combinations are quite usual in some sectors, such as marketing and service industries.
Proper job interview outfit for men
Today we'll take a look at some advices for the outfit which can help men to be appointed to the job of their dreams.
A proper look during a job interview is an important part of the employing process. Next tips may be of interest to those men in quest of a job - recent graduates, professionals seeking for a better job or promotion.