Dandies through the centuries: Beau Brummell

Dandies through the centuries: Beau Brummell

Beau Brummell is credited with introducing and establishing the perfectly fitted and tailored bespoke garments as a trend in menswear. He is the 'father' of dandyism.

Brummell has suggested a style of dress and behavior based on ostentatious simplicity, plain fabrics and restricted use of accessories as opposed to the gigantic ornamentation of French fashion.

He introduced black as the color for the formal men's suit and turned the tie's drapery into apotheosis of male elegance.

At the beginning of the XIX century young dandy-Englishmen imposed that fashion: a simple, stylish suit, consisting of long trousers, jacket, vest and coat, all this garnished with breathtaking accents, pronounced on this normativistic background.

Photo: Beau Brummell, engraved in the 19th century from a portrait miniature

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Tags:Beau Brummell, dandy, dandyism, mens fashion, mens suit, style

About the Author


Dandy is a writer and fashion critic. He is the perfect connoisseur of the Dandy style and the fashion ambassador of Be Global Fashion Network. He has his own column called "Fashion Police" in which he comments on the style of men.

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