Supply chain logistics management workshop
The workshop Managing Supply Chain the TOC Way presents the TOC approach for managing supply chain with the purpose to achieve fast and smooth flow of inventory through the supply chain links. The TOC solution ensures high level of availability of goods with high inventory turns.
The participants of the workshop will:
• Look into the differences between conventional inventory management models and TOC replenishment solution
• Look into the problems of forecasting
• Discuss importance of aggregation and aggregation point
• Look at the patterns of consumption from the inventory management point of view
• Learn the technique of sizing, establishing and adjusting stock buffers the TOC way
• Look at mechanics of Buffer Management
• Discuss various issues of applying the TOC replenishment concepts and techniques to inventory management in their environment
• Look into mechanics of Make to Availability (MTA), Purchase to Availability (PTA), and Distribute to Availability (DTA)
International Director TOC Strategic Solutions.
Oded Cohen is one of the world's well-known names in Theory of Constrains (TOC). He has over 30 years of experience in developing, teaching and implementing TOC methodology, solutions and implementation processes working directly with Dr. Goldratt all over the world in the organizations built by Eli Goldratt for developing and disseminating TOC - Creative Output, Goldratt Institute, Goldratt Schools. Among the countries to which Oded brings his expertise are the USA, Canada, Japan, India, China, the UK, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Columbia, Chile, Peru and many others.
Oded is an Industrial engineer with MSc. in Operations Research from the Israeli Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. He was one of the developers of OPT - the logistical software for production scheduling, the TOC thinking processes and the TOC management skills. Oded has brought his expertise to educating a whole generation of TOC practitioners and implementers. He is known for his passion for working with people who love TOC.
Oded is a partner in Goldratt UK and since 2001 he has been a part of Goldratt Group as the International Director for Goldratt Schools. Oded plays a major role in developing and supporting TOC Application Experts and TOC Consultants who are given the knowledge and the practical know-how for implementing TOC solutions.
Oded is a Founder and Co-President of Theory Of Constraints Practitioners' Alliance TOCPA - an international organization whose objective is to share the TOC experience with everybody who wants to learn and use TOC. Oded was a founding member and the first Chairman of Theory of Constraint International Certification organization TOCICO.
Oded, together with Domenico Lepore, wrote Deming & Goldratt: The Theory of Constraints and the System of Profound Knowledge - The Decalogue. The new full edition of Oded's book Ever Improve - A Guide to Managing Production the TOC Way, published in June 2010, in addition to describing the Make-to-Order Solution, also includes two full new parts: the MTO implementation and a full description of Make-to-Availability Solution.
This event is part of the TOCICO 2-Day Workshops Conference in Bulgaria
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Tags:supply chain, logistics, management, workshop, conference, TOCICO, Bulgaria, conference, business