Tag: logistics
How to sell
8 sales benefits to use SuitPack Tailored - the suit packing solution tailor-made for the menswear industry
SuitPack Tailored removes risk of jacket and trousers falling off the hanger during transit. Suits arrive ready to be sold and ready to wear. No requirement to press or steam at any stage between manufacture and sale...
How to sell
Introducing the suit packing solution tailor-made for the menswear industry
SuitPack Tailored is set to become the new standard in suit packing for the menswear industry. Why is SuitPack Tailored the best solution for suit packing at the moment? SuitPack Tailored is light, simple, affordable, stylish, compactable, efficient, easy to carry and dependable.
How to refresh the business
Supply chain logistics management workshop
The workshop Managing Supply Chain the TOC Way presents the TOC approach for managing supply chain with the purpose to achieve fast and smooth flow of inventory through the supply chain links.
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