Thinking processes workshop
The workshop TOC Thinking Processes gives an overview of major TOC logical tools and presents practical mechanics on working with the central logical instrument - the Cloud.
Participants will work through examples and cases that will help them:
• See which TOC tools are used in the process from identifying a problem to finding a solution
• Learn how to present a dilemma, problem or conflict in the format of a logical conflictresolution diagram - the Cloud
• Learn how to identify assumptions that lead to creating and sustaining conflicts and dilemmas
• Learn how to develop the solution on the basis of the Cloud
Ability to handle reasoning behind cause and effect allows people to gain a better understanding of the reality, to verbalize their intuition, to check the validity of the statements and to challenge the routine way of addressing and solving problems and dilemmas.
International Director TOC Strategic Solutions
Jelena Fedurko started working with TOC in 1999. She joined Goldratt Schools in 2005 as a TOC trainer and consultant. In 2007 Jelena became Goldratt Schools Regional Director for Russian Speaking Regions, and later also for Europe. She has been a member of teaching teams in a number of comprehensive TOC Programs: International TOC Expert Training Alex Rogo Program in Columbia, Man TOC Program in India.
Together with Oded Cohen, Jelena has developed and conducts the TOC Strategic Solutions programs in Russia and Europe. Among the countries where Jelena has worked teaching and providing TOC implementation support are Japan, Poland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, India, China, Chili, Columbia and other countries.
Jelena is a Founder and Co-President of Theory Of Constraints Practitioners' Alliance TOCPA - an international organization whose objective is to share the TOC experience with everybody who wants to learn and use TOC.
Jelena has authored several articles on TOC concepts and implementation, and gave presentations at several TOC conferences. She has also edited a number of TOC books. Jelena translated to Russian the Goldratt Satellite Program, the books The Goal, It's Not Luck (The Goal-2), Critical Chain, and the TOC Insights.
Jelena is the author of several leading books on working with the central logical tools of TOC - The Cloud and the Strategy and Tactic Tree: Behind the Cloud - Enhancing logical thinking; Through Clouds to Solutions; Mistakes and Difficulties in Working with TOC Logical Tools; A Good Strategy and Tactic Tree.
Jelena graduated from Minsk State Institute of Foreign Languages (now Minsk State Linguistic University) and got her MBA from Concordia International University Estonia.
This event is part of the TOCICO 2-Day Workshops Conference in Bulgaria
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