Who is who at Pitti Uomo - 10 influencers you should know
Pitti Uomo is undoubtedly a premier men’s fashion event. At Pitti Uomo you can see the latest trends, new designers and companies in men’s fashion, premiering the best men’s tailoring from across the globe, but also the best dressed men in the world. The most accurate explanation I have heard about Pitti is that there you can meet "anyone who’s anyone in the menswear business". And this is true. The atmosphere is unique and you feel like everyone is your friend. Everyone is smiling and having fun and at the same time doing business.
The 92nd edition of Pitti Uomo has ended with a huge splash of colour, more than 1,220 brands with booths at the fair, more than 19,000 registered buyers and a total number of more than 30,000 visitors. The ranking of attendance was: Germany at the top followed by Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, China, France, Switzerland, Turkey, USA, Korea, Belgium, Austria, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Greece, Denmark, Poland, Canada.
The most attractive part of the fair are the people, of course. At Pitti Uomo you can see all dandys from around the world. They define themselves as brand ambassadors, influencers, bloggers, models, stylists, designers and they set the trends in men's style. All photographers make photos of them and you can see hundreds of publications about "Best street style from Pitti Uomo". I also made a bunch of photos and you can check our gallery Pitti Uomo 92 Street Style Looks. But apart from that I want you to see who those people are and what they do, so here I will present some of them.
Gui Bo
Editor-in-chief at Men Need More Style, a classic gentleman with a modern twist, @gui_bo
Learn more about Gui Bo from an interview I made with him.
Gui Bo - Editor-in-chief at Men Need More Style @gui_bo and Angelique Noire - 1940s/1950s Style Lover, 10" Professional Poser @theblackpinup
Gui Bo - Editor-in-chief at Men Need More Style @gui_bo and Angelique Noire - 1940s/1950s Style Lover, 10" Professional Poser @theblackpinup
Gui Bo - Editor-in-chief at Men Need More Style @gui_bo and Silvia K. - Editor-in-chief at Be Global Fashion Network @beglobalfashion
Niccolo Cesari
Brand Ambassador, Italian Dandy Based in Florence, @niccocesari
Niccolo Cesari
Luca Lombardi
Italian dandy, @lombardiluca10
Luca Lombardi - Italian dandy
Emanuele De Martino
Napoli / Italy - Model, Brand Promoter, Style Influencer, @emanueledemartino___
Emanuele De Martino - Right
Gianluca Ala
Brand Ambassador from Italy, Law student, @gianluca_ala
Gianluca Ala (Left) with Dandy (Right)
Dandy (Lubomir Milchev)
Bulgarian Dandy, Influencer, Writer
Dandy (Left)
Nicola Cappiello -
Brand Ambassador, Men's Fashion Influencer, @n.c.official
Nicola Cappiello
Filipe Martins
Personal Stylist, Fashion Consultant. Created his own branded clothing models Divinal class @divinalclass where customers are clothed in the smallest detail from head to toe ... that is, they are simply Divine
Divinal Class (in the middle with the white suit)
Sorin Lucian
Personal Style Consultant, @lucian_sorin
He has worked in Italy in the clothing industry for 20 years and then he returned to his native country Romania and opened his sewing and costume brand in Bucharest to carry on his tremendous passion. He works now for his brand for suits and tailoring Mr.Roman.
Sorin Lucian (Left) with
Niccolo Cesari (Right)
Berdi Begmenov
Stylist and Designer - @berdi_begmenov
Berdi Begmenov - Second from right to left
Here is how our illustrator Mariya Christova @mariya_christova, Art Director of Men's Fashion Group Florence, pictured Berdi Begmenov, Emanuele De Martino, Filipe Martins, Gui Bo and Angelique Noire.
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