The modern dandy
The dandy style has fan and followers all over the world. And we're going to present you some of them, starting with Ljubomir Milchev – Dandy.
He is a lifestyle chronicler, famous for his taste of clothing. In late 1990s he was an author and host of a TV show about photography and also lectured on themes concerning the contemporary photography and antiques. Over the years Dandy had his rubrics in other telecasts.
Dandy has studied at the universities of Heidelberg and Bochum, Germany. He translated the book Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger.
He has also written a couple of books, including 'Between Comme il Faut and Faux Pas: Good manners tips for gentlemen' and 'Comedians: farces and vaudeville and even ... tableau vivant'.
Vintage glasses: Lions Optics
Champaigne: Modena Vecchi Cleto Chiarli
Jewels: Sephira Virtuosa Extraordinary
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Tags:Dandy, dandy style, Ljubomir Milchev, lifestyle