Tag: etiquette
The P's and Q's of Proper Business Etiquette
Building a career and succeeding in business isn't easy. It takes a lot of hard work, and you face plenty of cutthroat competition. But, as competitive as business can be, life at work also has a civilized aspect. If you're going to make it big, you had better take care to practice proper business etiquette.
The etiquette of wearing tailor-made suits by Phillip Alexander
A good suit communicates respectability and style; and is a statement of status and authority. But only if it’s done correctly. Knowing the correct etiquette of what, how and what not to wear for an occasion, is important. So the correct style, colour and fabric of a suit for a particular occasion may need to be selected carefully. If it hasn’t been thought through properly, there is a danger of just looking foolish in a fancy suit. Phillip Alexander have vast knowledge and experience in advising their customers on the correct tailor made suit to wear and most important, what not to wear.
Dutch Business Dress Code
The Dutch tend to dress fairly conservatively in business, though standards and styles vary widely from one industry to another: formal attire is normal in banking, open-neck shirts and jeans in the IT and entertainment sectors. In most Dutch organisations, it is generally normal to wear a jacket, not necessarily a suit, to take the jacket off when working. Colour has no particular significance, and colourful shirt/tie combinations are quite usual in some sectors, such as marketing and service industries.
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