Tag: Estrato
Trabaldo Togna Fall/Winter 2019-2020 collection
There are two things that lead to unique discoveries: research and passion. Neither can exist without the other. Research means exploring a world in so much detail that you are able to make it evolve or even revolutionise it. Passion means having the deepest possible love of what you do, each and every day.
Estrato - Trabaldo Togna's natural wool and cashmere fabrics
Estrato® is a synthesis that combines nature, content and performance. The project is based on the desire to overtake, once and for all, the limits of the staticity of fabrics and therefore of garments. Estrato® blends weft’s and warp’s flexibility, without using synthetic fibres: it is created with excellent yarns, wool from Super 110’s to Super 180’s, wool and cashmere and pure cashmere, in a wide collection of fabrics and colours for infinite stylistic possibilities.
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