Tag: Most Stylish Men 2016
Adam Lambert is the winner of Most Stylish Men 2016 of Be Global Fashion Network
US singer Adam Lambert is the winner of BGFN's voting for Most Stylish Men 2016. Right after him are Andrea Bocelli and Engin Akyurek.
Choose Most Stylish Men 2016 - Most Stylish Real Men vs Celebrities
Most Stylish Men is a global voting to show the celebrities with modern and original style of dressing and overall amazing look. In 2016 Be Global Fashion Network presented photos and information about more than 650 celebrities and their fans selected each month the most stylish of them. In December you can vote for the winners from each month and select the most stylish celebrities for 2016. In October 2016 we also started the Most Stylish Real Men voting - a selection of 11 stylish men, fashion professionals, who have timeless elegance and unique style. They are now competing with the celebrities in the December voting. Who will win - Most Stylish Real Men or Celebrities? Only YOU decide!
BGFN Readers' Most Stylish Men August 2016 are announced
And here they are - your favorites among all nominees in each of the categories of Be Global Fashion Network readers' voting for the eighth month of 2016...
Editor's Choice