303 TUSCANS – certificate for ETHICAL FASHION Awarding ceremony

"303 TUSCANS" certificate is awarded to communities, following the principles of ETHICAL FASHION and supporting the Italian supply chain. The awarding ceremony will be held in Amsterdam

* FASHION AMBASSADORS - Bloggers, Influencers, Photographers, Journalists, which with their neutrality and impartiality support the Italian supply chain.
* UNIVERSITIES - developing designers focused on ETHICAL FASHION.
* EXPERIENCED AND YOUNG DESIGNERS – producing their collections through the Italian supply chain. If everybody follow the trends everybody will look the same, then where is the pleasure from the Fashion?

* ETHICAL TRADE - retailers who take responsibility through transparency of the supply chain for the products they sell.
* ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION - manufactures of fabrics and accessories made from natural materials. * INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES - manufacturers of sewing and ironing machines, CAD-CAM systems, software and equipment for the fashion industry.
* MASTER-TAILORS - factories and workshops using traditional Italian technology.
* COMMUNITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS - supporting and promoting the Italian supply chain. The ceremony will be attended by officials and organizations from over 30 countries, who support ETHICAL FASHION

ETHICAL FASHION Awarding ceremony

REFRESH OF THE BUSINESS – presenting the unique offer:
* ETHICAL FASHION – solution for sustainability in the italian supply chain.
* 100,000 NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AROUND THE WORLD for experienced and new - created trade brands, designers, distributors, retailars and fashion bloggers producing their collections in the Italian supply chain.
* TRANSPARENCY IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN – the consumer is confident that he wears value garments, which are produced in compliance with the principles of ETHICAL FASHION.
* THE MODEL “12 COLLECTIONS” – “See - Buy“ approach Many world designers reject the traditional presentation of their pre-season collections for the upcoming seasons and are adopting the “See - Buy“ approach - an opportunity for customers to buy garments right after the reviews.

* Increasing customer confidence and the ability to attract new customers.
* Increasing social responsibility throughout the supply chain.
* Improvement and optimization of internal processes throughout the supply chain.
* Contribute to the economic development of communities working in the fashion industry.
* Save jobs and the potential to create over 35,000 new jobs in the Italian supply chain.

Zuiderkerkhof 72, 1011 WB Amsterdam - the place where will be held the ceremony

Over the last few years, the Italian supply chain faces many challenges: * Reducing jobs – In 1980, there were 4 million, nowadays 350,000.
* Cashflow problem – about 10% of the companies have a continuous Cashflow problem - on the basis of 80 billion, 8 billion turnover is in criticality.
* Factories are closing doors – some factories and brands with long history are closed and subject to administration.


– very strong competition from trademarks producing in countries with low standard, not respecting the principles of ETHICAL FASHION.

Outsourcing outside Italy – Due to the global price war, many jobs have been closed and exported outside Italy. The pricing policy of traders – Italian quality goods allow a large mark-up, which further limits the volume.

Destruction of the image of Italian production – some factories produce in Italy and do not respect the principles of ETHICAL FASHION – use low-skilled immigrants and using poor quality materials from the Far East. In this way they create a bad image of the Italian production.

Copying of Designs – trademarks from all over the world copy Italian product designs. Copying the label 'Made in Italy'.

RESULT Limiting sales capacity, which is a serious problem for business sustainability, keeping the existing and creating new jobs in the Italian supply chain.

* Prepare an attractive WIN-WIN solution.
* Offering a competitive edge of the supply chain.
* Create market validation.
* Evidence of the concept by selecting suitable traders, following the criteria of ETHICAL FASHION.
* Show the financial benefits for everyone in the supply chain.
To overcome the current situation and aiming meaningful work in the supply chain, to be more brave and to work together to achieve a common standard. A standard that appreciates all people who contribute to the global fashion industry.

* ETHICAL FASHION is an approach to the design, manufacture and transport of clothing that maximizes the benefits for the people and communities, while reducing the environmental impact.
* ETHICAL FASHION is an approach to guarantee and ensure the transparency across the supply chain and to build trust in the end-user.
* ETHICAL FASHION removes inconsistencies in the supply chain, aiming increasement of the product access, market share, turnover and profits for all participants.
* ETHICAL FASHION is an integrated innovation strategy throughout the supply chain based on reliable engagement between all participants.
* ETHICAL FASHION – this is the story of the people who make your clothes.
* ETHICAL FASHION – this is our responsibility as entrepreneurs and residents of this planet.

To create a community from designers, retailors and producers, united by the principles of ETHICAL FASHION.
- PR and advertising platform for designers and retailers, who share the principles of ETHICAL FASHION
- Organizing seminars on “How to Increase Profit Without Investments through the Principles of Ethical Fashion”
- Assistance for implementation of the Model “12 Collections”
- Assistance for creating your own brand
- B2B platform for selling your own collections
- B2B platform for access to high quality fabrics and accessories of Italian manufacturers
- Assistance for making prototypes, samples and collections in elite factories
- Assistance for making orders in the system MTO, MTM, Bespoke production in elite factories
- Support for participation on booths in international fairs
- Assistance for creating showrooms in World Fashion Centers
- Organization of business delegations and trade missions abroad
- Production practice for students in elite factories

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Tags:303 tuscans, awards, ceremony, Ethical fashion, chain, Italian fashion, refresh the business, fashion industry, fast fashion

About the Author

Boyana Ivanova

Boyana is following men`s trade fairs and exhibitions. She is also covering fashion industry news, best dressed section, lifestyle and trends.

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