Made in Vicenza - promote your product in Italy

Made in Vicenza assists companies from Vicenza in the internationalization process. Founded in 1989, this structure is at the service of entrepreneurs and of all member companies of the Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza as well as to the entire territorial economic system. Made in Vicenza works in close synergy with the different Associations, Credit Institutions and all those dealing with the internationalization process in Vicenza and Province.

Made in Vicenza - promote your product in Italy

Its scope is that of encouraging the whole production chain, i.e. not only in the promotion of the initiatives of a specific sector involved, but to the overall of the companies that participate in production, distribution and commercialization of goods "Made in Vicenza". The promotion activity is aimed both at companies of traditional sectors as well as those engaged in the most innovative and highly technological fields.

- Promote products from Vicenza in Italy as well as worldwide;
- Introduce small and medium companies from Vicenza to new opportunities;
- Promote exports by facilitating the match between demand and supply of products;
- Facilitate the relationship and partnership with foreign operators.

- Participate and organize meetings at shows and exhibits;
- Organize business missions;
- B2B meetings between economic agents;
- Give specialized assistance to firms, market sector research abroad in countries where the Desk is operative;
- Compilation and publication of information;
- Organize country presentations.

Vicenza is in fourth position among Italian provinces. An exceptional result, considering that nearly 15 billion euros of export sales are the result of a productive structure composed primarily of many small and medium-sized enterprises, capable of competing with large international groups, mainly due to its flexibility, specialization, technological and high qualitative levels achieved.

Vicenza products are mainly destined to countries of the European Union (67%), Asia (8,5%) and North America (16,7%).

"Made in Italy" has asserted itself in various sectors of the global market, particularly in engineering, textiles and clothing, leather-tanning and jewelry. The province also stands out in several international case studies, with entrepreneurial success stories in sports clothing, furnishings and technologies for the industry.

Made in Vicenza promotes and coordinates the participation of Vicenza companies to international trade shows events, in economic areas considered strategic for product penetration of local industry. The aim is to facilitate business opportunities and strengthen export propensity of the Vicenza companies.

Made in Vicenza - promote your product in Italy

Made in Vicenza specifically handles the following: - book booths, define areas and assist in window dressing;
- assist companies with their logistics;
- prepare promotion advertising support;
- activate business contacts with potential foreign buyers and support companies in the management of fair post contacts in markets where Desks are present;
- organize events on site to direct attention towards products "Made in Vicenza";

Made in Vicenza organizes and coordinates strategic missions in countries considered crucial to allow entrepreneurs to become acquainted with more interesting markets, facilitate the search for business partners and expand the export of products from Vicenza in the world. Participating in economic missions allows companies to better understand the markets covered by the mission and to meet, based on custom made agendas, potential customers/partners.

Throughout the year workshops sessions are organized in Vicenza and in Italy where local entrepreneurs have the opportunity to meet and initiate business relationships with importers and foreign buyers.

Also, as special agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza, Vicenza organizes and oversees meetings with institutional representatives from the Vicenza area and foreigners, with the objective to start concrete forms of cooperation among economic areas and strengthen the exchange of products, technologies and know-how.

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Tags:Made in Vicenza, company, agency, process, Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza, Italy, trade show, market, product, promote, production chain, target, task, textiles, clothing

About the Author

Boyana Ivanova

Boyana is following men`s trade fairs and exhibitions. She is also covering fashion industry news, best dressed section, lifestyle and trends.

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