The Travelling Tailor
Travelling tailors visit different countries and cities and usually stay in a local luxury hotel for a short period of time to meet and provide the same tailoring services they would provide in their local store. In the hotel, the customer will be able to select the fabric from samples and the tailor will take the measurements himself. The order then will be shipped to the customer within three to four weeks' time (or more). Unlike local tailoring, if further alterations are required the garment must be shipped. Today, most Savile Row tailors travel regularly to the United States, Europe and Japan.
In bigger cities around the world there are also local Traveling Tailors that can arrive at your home or office at any suitable time.
The advantage of working with traveling tailors rather than shopping online is that they provide a personal service to their customers, give them an opportunity to see the fabric samples and meet the tailor in person.
Depending on your requirements they can offer a made-to-measure suit or a bespoke suit.
See also How to become a fashion consultant without any designer skills
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