Interview with Kinga Luks - menswear designer from Poland

Today we're going to present you Kinga Luks from Poland - one of the contestants in Men's style international fashion design project.

Interview with Kinga Luks - menswear designer from PolandWhen did you first start designing?
My first try was when I was 5 or 6 year old. It was project for my doll and my mom sewed it. Since then I regularly draw some projects, but until 2011 it was only for myself, uncommercially. First time I've sewn something with my family's help. The sewing machine is in my family for my entire life, that's why for me it came naturally to sit and try to make something. My first collection 'The Dark side' (main topic: AFTERLIFE) was in the X edition of competition Off Fashion in Kielce, Poland in November 2011 and it contained 3 silhouettes completely designed and sewed by me.

Who or what inspired you to become a designer?
I've always thought that fashion is not only clothes. 'You are what you wear' was my motto. I think that how you look influence your mood. I've always love playing with clothes and many of my friends said me: 'you do it so well'. I think that because of them I've started thinking more serious about being a fashion designer. I think it was some kind of a dreamjob for me and I took the opportunity when it came.

Interview with Kinga Luks - menswear designer from Poland

Where do you find inspiration for your creations?
There is no straight rules. It can be everything - a good photo or a paint, architecture, people on street, nature. These examples are so typical - of course not bad - but for me the best inspirations come suddenly - often in a completely unexpected place or time. In my opinion art of finding inspiration consists in catching completely different new point of view in inconspicuous and ordinary places and combining it with high art.

Interview with Kinga Luks - menswear designer from Poland

Who are your favorite designers and why?
On the first place is Karl Lagerfeld. He is my hero in many ways - he is very diligent man - several times a year he creates the perfect fashion show (for example the latest Chanel show was so diverse and holding the typical style of the Chanel fashion house). Besides, I admire him that he is always classy and looks perfect and timeless.
I also really appreciate Stella McCartney. She is one of the few designers who support ethical fashion and fight for the rights of animals in the fashion industry. Stella does use wool, silk, and other animal-derived fabrics in her designs.
Regarding to style of fashion houses definitely my favourite are elegance of Givenchy and Moschino's girlishness. I would dress myself there!

Interview with Kinga Luks - menswear designer from Poland

Men do not always pay attention to the way they dress. Give some advice to men - how should they dress to be stylish?
The most safe pieces for men are exactly basic clothes like suits and good fitting garments. It's enough to invest in a good jacket, a shirt, pants and a coat or leather jacket and take good care of them. Jacket can be combined with everything (t-shirt, sweater, jeans, chinos). It's important to choose garments with the best quality. In this case, the clothes can be an investment for years. If someone wants to be very stylish - it is enough to buy an add-on or a very fashionable for the season piece and add it to the basic clothes.

Interview with Kinga Luks - menswear designer from Poland

What do you think makes one fashion designer successful?
I think every success needs persistence, hard work, talent and luck. But the most important thing is passion. If you like what you're doing - you can hardwork easily.

Interview with Kinga Luks - menswear designer from Poland

What are your plans for the future?
To do what I like. That is the deal with fashion. I'm going to start my own company focused on design industry. My main purpose is to own a significant influence in fashion, and in particular in 'conscious' fashion. I also want to travel - to visit the biggest fashion weeks all over the world and meet the most powerful people. I would like to live the life that I've dreamed about :)

Interview with Kinga Luks - menswear designer from Poland

To learn more about the project and participate please visit:

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Tags:menswear, fashion, design, designer, Kinga Luks, project, interview, drawing, sewing, Men's style, inspiration, men's suit, clothes, passion, conscious fashion

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