Three Tips to Make Your Business Suit Stand Out
There's something about wearing a well-fitting suit. It lifts your spirits, bolsters your confidence and makes you feel as if you’re ready to do anything, including the hard stuff. The old idiom, “The suit makes the man” holds true even today. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best when is wrote, “Being perfectly well-dressed gives one a tranquility that no religion can bestow.” The suit is a classic way for a man to show the world that he knows his stuff and he’s someone to be taken seriously. But more than that, the comfort and confidence that a made to order suit gives a man is priceless.
Your suit is key to getting attention and being taken seriously, but your suit may have similar elements that keep you in the background. There are three tips to make you stand out in your suit. Throughout the last 400 years, the suit has changed in some ways, but in others, it’s still a similar style. This is called a classic style that has the look and feel of timeless strength and brings a different way of thinking. It will change the way you think and the way you act in the world. Think about Iron Man’s Tony Stark, when wonder what a well-fitting suit will do for you.
There’s nothing that says, “I don’t know how to dress” than owning an ill-fitting suit. A suit like this tells influencers you don’t want to take the effort to look sharp. If you don’t want to put that sort of effort into your personal appearance, then you may not want to make an effort on the project your prospect is considering you for. So, how can you do this? Use made to measure, made to order, or bespoke tailors to get the exact fit for your body type. Tailors have adjusted their business to accommodate the on-the-go male and found ways to get you into the suit that will make you feel like Steve McQueen in The Thomas Crown Affair.
The suit should fit well at the neck-line, shoulders, and waist. It should not be loose in the thigh or bunch too much at the shoe. The classic colors are still the best. Suits in darker shades of blue, navy, or steel grey work very well for a base. Two piece suits work well for more casual engagements. A three-piece suit gives you the option to take off your jacket and still have a cover that fits well and is coordinated to the overall look.
Use color judiciously
Splashes of color help your suit stand out. If you have a front pocket, use a silk handkerchief to add a splash of color to your suit. If you have a two-piece suit, wearing a Scottish Cashmere sweater underneath gives you a classic look with a silky soft feel and look. In cooler weather, adding a scarf will also bring attention to you and your suit.
The best fitting shirt under your suit is also key to making sure you look well-groomed and confident. Shirts made of pure cotton wear well and for a long time. The type of shirt you’re looking for is crucial to making your suit stand out. Do you want a button-down collar with a standard tied tie? Or would you rather use a mandarin collarless shirt with no tie to show others you are willing to think outside the box? These key decisions will help you create your own style and make your suit create a memorable impression.
Shoes are not just for treading on pathways. Your shoes finish out the whole picture of who you are. They say, “I’ve looked at everything from my head to my toes and I’ve chosen deliberately to give them the best.” There are many men walking around in wonderfully tailored suits wearing the wrong shoes. Don’t be one of them. Your shoe must be like the rest of your attire. Uniquely you and coordinated with the rest of your suit. The best shoes are leather and fit perfectly to your foot. Ill-fitting shoes make your gait stilted and pained. Your confidence is not conveyed as you walk or stand in crowds.
Color also is important in the shoe department. Do not under any circumstance wear a black shoe with a brown suit. Go for a brown, red, or burgundy shoe that gives a polished looked to your attire. If you are wearing a black suit wear only black shoes. No other shoe color really fits with that. I know we said earlier that a splash of color can be appealing, except in shoes and black suits. You don’t want people looking at your feet when you talk to them, wondering if you really know what you’re doing if you can’t choose the right shoe color. The truth is, any other color, besides black will look too casual and unprofessional. Stick with black on black.
Grey suits are the most versatile to wear different colored shoes. You can get away with burgundy, black, brown or red shoes. They work well with all those colors.
Final tips
The well-dressed man garners far more attention and respect than the poorly dressed man. The end product of your style shows distinction and discrimination of taste. The classic look in suits has made a comeback and is rising in popularity. And with it is the chance to stand out as the uniquely male model of your standards and values. A well-fitting, beautifully accessorized suit tells the world and those you want to impress that you are man of taste who won’t compromise on craft or value to bring your skillset to the job.
The best tip is to choose your own path to your own look. That’s why the well-made suit is making a resurgence in popularity. Because the world is looking for men to stand up with distinction and purpose and show the world their unique self.
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