6 different ways to wear a three-piece suit

In this video men's style, grooming and fitness expert, Aaron Marino, shows you how to wear a 3 piece suit in six different ways. The three piece suit is a great option due to its versatility and timelessness. Three piece suit is a jacket, vest or waist coat, and slacks. It makes a statement and is seeing a resurgence. A lot of brands are including a three piece suit in their offerings. Aaron Marino of alpha m. shows you the three piece suit styled six different ways:

1. Fully Suited - buttoned and polished. Personally, Marino likes to wear the jacket open exposing the vest. This is the best option when you want to look really formal.

6 different ways to wear a three-piece suit

2. Going Out - lose the jacket but make sure you have the vest tailored. The vest must fit you properly. It is very important to look like going out of the tailor because there is a difference to look good and spectacular.

6 different ways to wear a three-piece suit

3. Two Piece Suit - lose the vest. This is one of the good things to have a three piece suit - it is versatile - you can wear it as a two piece suit. This way of wearings a three-piece suits is like to wear any normal two piece suit.

6 different ways to wear a three-piece suit

The next three ways are casual so look at them:

4. Casual Cool - lose the tie and vest. This option is suitable to go to the office, happy hour or party - you look still great in a tailored suit.

6 different ways to wear a three-piece suit

5. I'm the Man - no jacket or tie with rolled up sleeves. A great combination of vest and casual look for a day outside.

6 different ways to wear a three-piece suit

6. Dressy Casual - no tie like Tom Ford. You are losing the tie but you still wear the three piece suit. The designer Tom Ford likes to wear suits in this way. He looks smooth in his suit.

6 different ways to wear a three-piece suit

Three pieces, six ways of wearing them!

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Tags:Aaron marino, style, three piece suit, tie, shirt, vest, waistcoat, pants, jacket, slacks, brand, Tom Ford, ways, combinations, two piece suit, formal

About the Author

Boyana Ivanova

Boyana is following men`s trade fairs and exhibitions. She is also covering fashion industry news, best dressed section, lifestyle and trends.

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