How to open Enrico Monti Perfectum Store for made to measure suits and shirts
Bespoke Tailoring is and always will be a must for men who want to stand out in the crowd, men who look positively towards their future without uncertainties.
The Market of Made to Measure is constantly growing unlike classic clothing stores. Enrico Monti offers you the opportunity to open your own store for men's made-to-measure suits and shirts.
The Innovation of 3D Tailoring, not only provides fantastic results but also complete customer satisfaction. It takes less than 2 seconds to make over 300 body measurements, a software will transform the client's measurements and correct any eventual physical defects.
Through 3D Technology together with traditional Tailoring, Enrico Monti guarentees a truly exceptional customized product.
The Body Scanner can be positioned in pre exisiting stores and occupies the same amount of space as a fitting/changing room. Alternatively an Enrico Monti Perfectum Store can be created for you. Become one of Enrico Monti retailers with a small investment and see the benefits of working in made to measure. Currently Enrico Monti has stores in Bergamo, Monaco and Venice. To open the next Enrico Monti store contact them here.
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