Тhe cultural history of dandyism
Nathaniel Adams, co-author of the book "I am Dandy," discusses the cultural history of dandyism, gives a tour of his personal wardrobe, and examines the way the theatrics of fashion relate to a person's inner character. He is a winner of "Dandy for 2013" prize.
"People assume that dandyism is an art of being generous, or a lifestyle choice or philosophy, but I think it is closer of metal disorder some kind, I mean in the best way. It i s obsession.", said Nathaniel Adams.
The co-author tells the meaning of the "dandy" word and gave some examples of men who are considered to be a dandy through the years - figures in the social life, politics and celebrities.
He explained what is to be a dandy - he dresses how he feel. Some of his jackets and suits have specific messages embroidered in the inner side of the collars.
Nathaniel Adams doesn't considered himself a dandy, but he is flattered when other people call him dandy.
Let's see some of his best outfits that makes him a dandy:
What do you think, are you a dandy - test yourself?
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