Meet some of the lectors of the 2017 TOCICO International Conference in Berlin
The 2017 TOCICO International Conference will be held July 16th - 19th in Berlin, Germany. TOCICO Conferences are held each year to showcase the new developments of TOC applications. This year features applications including Texas State Government Management, Microsoft supply chain, Japanese ship building, solving the real estate crisis, Adobe software development, movie production, communication skills with autistic children, Nine TOC How-To full and 1/2 day workshops, and over 60 more sessions.
Here are some of the sessions and workshops, that will be presented in Berlin.
Projects Contracting: A New Field of TOC-Why Critical Chain Fails in the Real World and How to Fix it with (COC) Common Objectives Contracts
Asaf Morag is going to present in Berlin the objective function of projects. Then he will show the (COC) Common Objectives Contracts. The result of these two new ideas is Project Contracting.
Projects Contracting: A New Field of TOC-Why Critical Chain Fails in the Real World and How to Fix it with (COC) Common Objectives Contracts
Joe Cooper - Unifying Organizations Through Harmony on Projects: A Critical Chain (CCPM) Basics Workshop
Critical Chain is the application of the Theory of constraints to Project Management. The book the Goal by Dr. Eli Goldratt is used by many businesses, many companies as a way to help them improve the throughput within their companies and help improve the results that they achieve. It is really looked at as a game changer. And critical chain is also a game changer helping organizations to improve the way that they deliver projects, to improve their ontime performance, to improve the speed with which they complete projects and also to improve the team harmony and the team engagement of their project teams. Joe Cooper is going to present in Berlin a Critical Chain Basics Workshop and he will go through many of the basic concepts of the critical chain.
1. The benefits we can achieve by focusing on project tasks instead of multitasking.
2. The second area will be a pragmatic and simple way to estimate project tasks which helps to eliminate some of the negative behavour that we see on projects, like expanding the work to fill the time allotted. So if we can change some of those behaviours we can improve our results on projects.
3. The final area that he will talk about is using a project buffer, which is an accumulation of project contingency which is visible and which is manageable, which helps protect what is really important to us - the project delivery commitment.
Joe Cooper - Unifying Organizations Through Harmony on Projects: A Critical Chain (CCPM) Basics Workshop
Eli Schragenheim - Key Insights of TOC
"Every success is based on an insight known to you, not so much known to others. One is enough, sometimes, for a very big success. And this is the core value of coming to the TOCICO conference, because first of all TOC is full of insights and the vast majority of the world is not aware of them. In each presentation my assumption is that the speakers will try to highlight their own insights on top of the TOC insights", said Eli Schragenheim in the video about his presentation. In Berlin Eli Schragenheim will cover the 8 most important for him TOC insights - insights, for which if we can understand well the logic we can implement it and get immense value in vast variety of different environments. He will make a demonstration of the importance of an insight. The presentation is about the treaty nature of capacity. And capacity is truly complex. He will show all the variables that can mislead us. And here comes a generic insight by Eli Goldratt that "Every system has its inherent simplicity". How do we simplify the capacity? Eli Schragenheim will tell us in his presentation.
Eli Schragenheim - Key Insights of TOC
Here you can Register for the 2017 Annual Conference
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