Richmart Junior presents The School linings collection
Turning to all mothers around the world, we claim to know how hard it is for you to make the educational process fun for your kids and easy for you. That's why we offer an additional way of learning school subjects easily. No more extra money for educational toys which unnecessarily taking space in your home.
We know how important is for the kids to see the information, which they have to learn, in an appropriate way and we imprint that into the clothes design.
Richmart Junior presents 'The School linings collection' - personalized printed linings for kids' and teen suits.
They include different linings referred to school subjects like:
- English - photographs of alphabet and words;
- Math - multiplication tables, formulas;
- Chemistry - periodic tables;
- Arts - watercolor painting;
- History, Science, Geography, Music, Sports, etc.
What a different way of learning, isn't it?
The author will be happy to hear from you, so please don't hesitate to contact her or comment the idea for this collection. Share your fresh ideas!
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