h+h cologne turns again Cologne into the international meeting point of the textile handicraft industry
*** Practical knowledge from professionals for professionals: Trade fair excels with a first-class workshop and event programme
Unfortunately, h+h cologne wasn't able to take place in 2020 and last year it was staged successfully, albeit exclusively as a digital format. Now, the waiting is finally coming to an end: From 18 to 20 March 2022, Cologne will once again become the international meeting point of the entire textile handicraft industry. The specialised dealers' interest in h+h cologne 2022 is correspondingly high. The trade fair is awaiting the comprehensive offer of around 200 companies, many of which come from abroad. The list of countries represented ranges from the Netherlands, Italy and Turkey, through to exhibitors from India and Brazil.
Top event programme for successful business
On-site the trade visitors can once again benefit from a first-class and professionally demanding programme: The offer ranges from the event zone "my lovely livingroom" including discussion panels, a Talk Sofa and Trend Talks, through to numerous creative workshops to support one's own successful business. Hence, on all three days of the trade fair in Cologne the following applies for all trade visitors: Take a seat and listen to interesting discussions on the "Talk Sofa". The compere, Stefan Pinnow, will once again discuss the trends of the year with his guests and will introduce industry personalities. He will talk to authors, designers and experts about the latest business developments and will in the proceeds reveal first-hand exciting tips and ideas. The spectrum of themes is again far-reaching in 2022 and ranges from display window design, to "mindful dressing", through to tips for turnover-boosting advertisements on Google.
Practical knowledge from pros for pros
Numerous creative courses will indeed provide practice-related professional knowledge for the handmade business. The same applies here too: There is something for everyone. For example, the artist, Olga Prinku, will show the participants of her workshop how to create an embroidered frame design using dried and conserved plants. In her workshop, the h+h cologne trend expert, Gabriele Kaiser, will address the issue of how "the customer" ticks and what target or style groups there are, which the specialised dealers should definitely know about. A complete overview of all of the workshops offered is available on the h+h cologne website. Furthermore, parallel to the physical offers, purely digitally options of further training are also offered. And as every year the same applies here: It pays to be quick off the mark. Because the number of participants is limited.
The Ticket Shop of h+h cologne 2022 is already open. Tickets for the workshops (EUR 25 or EUR 45) can also be purchased there.
h+h cologne is not just taking place as a physical event on-site in Cologne this year. In addition to making use of the manifold exchange and personal networking opportunities on-site, in the scope of the digital, "state-of-the-art" platform h+h cologne @home, the trade audience also has the chance to establish contacts after the trade fair has finished. You missed a manufacturer on-site? All of the contact persons were fully booked? This is no problem from now on: Dealers can also reach business partners after the trade fair via the digital platform. Vice versa, every exhibitor is informed when somebody has shown interest in his products and solutions. This means no potential customer goes astray.
Companies from Germany and abroad can still participate
Companies that are interested in participating at h+h cologne, because other fair grounds are still not staging physical fairs, and who would like to present their products or services after the forced break, can still opt to participate at the trade fair at short notice. Information on the themes trade fair participation, stand construction, marketing packages or the subsidisation of small and medium-sized companies can be found on the website of h+h cologne at www.hh-cologne.com.
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