A Shirt For Every Occasion: Top 5 Must-Haves

Gone are the days, when you could stroll in lithely or lumber gawkishly into every occasion with your favourite t-shirt and jeans and still be labelled the ‘James Dean’ of fashion…

The winds-of-change call for a ‘James Dean of Today’, one that spells panache, suaveness and the ability to turn heads and keep em’ rolling…

The once upon a time nonchalant attitude towards men’s shirts has now changed to a strict dress code for every occasion.  And with so many codes, designs, cuts and styles to choose from… it can get a wee bit over whelming.

So, we decided to narrow down the must-have shirts to a few occasions that definitely come everyone’s way…Also, we recommend custom shirts any day over off-the-rack shirts…especially if you are a man who wants to make a statement.

A Shirt For Every Occasion: Top 5 Must-Haves

  • Graduation: A milestone event in every man’s life. A day of reckoning, when you take the first step towards independence, to becoming the man you want to be for the rest of your life.

Every step you take on this day, defines YOU...so dressing smart is a must! It’s a not a day on which you want to whip out your flip flops and a t-shirt!

So we recommend:

  • A smart dark suit: Play it safe and opt for sober colours that you would wear to a job interview - black, grey, navy blue

  • Crisp patterned custom-fit shirt: In case you do not want to splurge on a suit, then definitely invest in a shirt that is custom made to suit your body type. Go for a slim-fit one with a checked or striped pattern to break the monotony.

  • Tie: A 7th Ave Point collar is a classic for all occasions and looks great when you want to lose the tie and unbutton to celebrate graduation. Carry this with a bold solid coloured tie to contrast the patterned shirt giving it a chic look.

  • Smart Black Shoes: Needs no explanation.

  • Accessories: Smart cufflinks with French cuffs and you’re ready to take the world on by storm.  

  • Job Interview: Next in line is cracking that job interview. The weekend-long binge drinking to celebrate your graduation has come to an end… and you must now face the demands of  The Real World…the beginning of the next phase of your life and your wardrobe.

Industry & Corporate Culture, and the fact that’s clothes define who you are and form a major part of the interview process.
--- Fortune 500 firms, financial firms, law firms, command Conservative & Classic Power Attire
--- Sales, education, retail, small companies, IT, engineering, real estate companies call for Business Casuals
--- Fashion, Entertainment, Digital, Music, Advertising call for Smart Casuals

Remember to stick to sober or pastel shades like blue, beige, ivory, white etc. We don’t want to surprise the interviewer.

  • First Job: You’ve aced that interview…it’s now time for you to create some magic on the floor. You swoop in not just with the brains you were hired for, but also the personality which you brought with you to the interview.  Yes, we are talking attire!

Remember the “Industry & Corporate Culture” when dressing up for the job. Also, as a rule, always dress a little better on the first day of your job even if work culture says casual.

If it’s strictly business: Dress conventionally in a dark suit (preferably dark grey or navy blue). Make sure it is tailor-made.  Wear a white or a light-colored shirt that spells an elegant, sharp, no-nonsense look. A silk tie with a solid colour is a definite yes (check what the men of the industry wear…better to be safe than sorry). Team the entire ensemble with solid dark colored socks and slip-on business shoes.
If it’s a media firm or a creative industry, dress in smart casuals and play safe. Go with neutral shades, and maybe throw in a striped shirt with khakhi pants.

We recommend only bespoke shirts…because nothing spells style and elegance than a man in custom made shirts. After all, you dress to impress.

  • First Date: Nothing like the tingly feeling in your stomach as you head out for your very first date with that someone special.

Women love a man with character, ambition and a sense of style. So, if you are all of those, then you have nothing to worry about…head out and have fun… but if you’d like to put in some effort to sweep her away with your style and charisma then, here is what you must remember:

  • A sports coat with Jeans/Khakis, teamed with an open-collared, slim fit, tucked out shirt in solid colours.

  • Play with colours you know look good on you.

  • A jacket is a must; nothing spells chivalrous more than when a man offers his jacket to cut away the nip in the air. Trade in for a blazer for a more formal dinner date.

  • Wear dress loafers or canvas sneakers depending on how laidback or formal your date is.

  • Accessorize with a smart classic watch.

  • Meet the Parents: Yes, you rocked that first date. A year later (or even sooner) you’re ready to meet the parents… the much-dreaded day when even the authorities seem less intimidating. Remember you will be watched like a hawk … every move, how you dress, the way you walk…

Lucky for you, we have your attire covered…
Just remember it’s a day to look simple, stated and stylish. Your attire should say you’re confident but not overzealous, grounded not flighty.. sensitive not egoistic.

  • Stick to a light solid colour shirt or sober stripe/checked pattern, with a 7th Ave spread collar (a favourite with royalty). Tuck your shirt in.

  • Team it up with smart khakhis or modestly semi-formal slacks and loafers.

  • Or team up a white Egyptian Giza cotton shirt with dark chinos and a dark blazer.

  • No sneakers. Good shoes are a must.

  • Wear a smart belt and classic wrist watch.

  • Stick to pastel shades for shirts and brown / black / beige for the pants. These colours may not rock the socks off but spell dependable, warm, friendly and reliable. Definitely the adjectives you want to be defined with when meeting the good folks!

Oh and don’t forget to carry a vintage wine!
Do NOT: Go unshaven with a mop of unruly hair; in shorts, sneakers and flashy dress shoes in shocking colours and strong cologne.

The world is less intimidating when you have someone sorting out your wardrobe for you. And with Vitruvien.com, your custom shirts woes can definitely be put to rest.

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Tags:mens shirts, shirts for men, bespoke shirts, fashion trends, mens fashion trends, shirts, custom shirts

About the Author

Silvia Kabaivanova

As the founder of Be Global Fashion Network and several other fashion websites, Silvia has been working for more than 20 years covering fashion industry trends and news. With a passion for the fashion business, she focuses on sustainable fashion and innovations, custom fashion and print on demand services. Silvia is a Chairman of Bulgarian Fashion Association. You can reach her at silvia@bgfashion.net

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