Most Stylish Real Men 2016 vs Celebrities

As you know, since December 2015 we are running a voting for Most Stylish Men in 6 categories - Cinema, Music, Business, Sport, Science and culture, Politics. The nominations are popular men and celebrities. Since October 1st, we are starting a voting for Most Stylish Real Men 2016 to see who dresses better - celebrities or regular men. Each month we will publish the results from each voting in a common article with the percentage of votes for each winner, to see who gets more votes. Our selection of real men so far includes tailors, bloggers and businessmen. We also invite all stylish men from Europe and USA to join by sending us a photo and more information about themselves - name, profession, country. Send all information at

Please vote for Most Stylish Real Men 2016 here

Most Stylish Real Men 2016 vs Celebrities

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Tags:Most Stylish Real Men, Most Stylish Men, celebrities, men, voting

About the Author

Silvia Kabaivanova

As the founder of Be Global Fashion Network and several other fashion websites, Silvia has been working for more than 20 years covering fashion industry trends and news. With a passion for the fashion business, she focuses on sustainable fashion and innovations, custom fashion and print on demand services. Silvia is a Chairman of Bulgarian Fashion Association. You can reach her at

Vote for Most Stylish Men 2017

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